120 research outputs found

    O Papel do Professor e do Aluno Frente ao Uso de um Software de Geometria Interativa: iGeom

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    Neste trabalho discute-se o papel de destaque que a Geometria Interativa (GI) tem adquirido no contexto do ensino de Geometria assistida por computador, enfatizando alguns dos benefícios da GI para professores e alunos. De um lado, auxilia o professor em sua tarefa de criar material didático mais interativo e desenvolver atividades que estimulam a curiosidade. De outro lado, proporciona ao aluno um ambiente no qual a postura participativa e a busca por desafios promovem a troca de experiências e a maturidade para compreender o conteúdo geométrico. Neste contexto, serão apresentados resultados de experiências didáticas realizadas em cursos de licenciatura em matemática e de extensão universitária para professores, utilizando um software de GI chamado iGeom. Além disso, introduz-se como soluções geométricas podem ser didaticamente apresentadas como algoritmos e como é possível implementar algoritmos geométricos com laços repetitivos de modo automático no iGeom facilitando a abordagem de conceitos matemáticos como progressões geométricas, somatórios, convergência, entre outros. Palavras-Chave: Geometria Interativa. iGeom. Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Educação Matemática. Ensino de Geometria

    Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Material Web para o Ensino de Decimais Utilizando Exemplos Incorretos

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    O uso de exemplos incorretos como ferramenta pedagógica ainda é um assunto controverso. Muitos professores são ambivalentes e, até mesmo, hostis quanto ao seu uso. No ensino de matemática, este sentimento persiste. Poucos professores ensinam utilizando exemplos incorretos. Contudo, pesquisadores na área de educação matemática vêm demonstrando que a discussão de conceitos utilizando erros incentiva a reflexão e a construção do conhecimento. Devido a esta polêmica, existe uma lacuna de material didático que utiliza esta abordagem. Dessa forma, este trabalho possui dois objetivos principais. O primeiro é desenvolver material Web que utiliza exemplos incorretos para ensinar matemática; com foco no conceito de decimais. O segundo é investigar os benefícios (ou malefícios) deste material. Foi conduzido um estudo com 429 alunos do ensino fundamental de duas escolas públicas dos EUA para avaliar o impacto deste material na aprendizagem de decimais. Os resultados indicam um significativo aumento na aprendizagem dos alunos, dando mais evidências a favor do uso de exemplos incorretos para ajudar a aprendizagem de matemática

    Enhancing User Experience in Learning Environments: a Narrative Gamification Framework for Education

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    This research explores the fertile intersection of narrative, gamification, and education, focusing on user experience (UX). Addressing a critical gap in the literature, we developed and validated a Narrative Gamification Framework for Education. The framework provides educators with tangible guidelines to gamify their lessons, emphasizing the content’s gameful transformation rather than the environment. The research contributes novel insights and practical tools to the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and UX, with implications for the broader context of education. Our findings set the stage for future research, including an ongoing initiative to adapt the framework to engage teachers in a journey of recognition and learning

    The Relationship Between Students\u27 Flow Experience and Their Behavior Data in Gamified Educational Systems

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    The number of students using online educational systems is increasing, especially after the growth of the use of this type of system due to the social isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation highlighted the challenge of analyzing the users\u27 experience in this type of system, especially when evaluating more complex experiences, such as the flow experience. One of the most promising innovative alternatives is to use the behavior data logs produced by students in educational systems to analyze their experiences. In this paper, we conducted a study (N = 24) to analyze the relationships between the behavior data logs produced by students when using a gamified educational system and their flow experience during the system usage. Our results contribute to the automatic users\u27 experience analysis in educational systems

    The Relationship Between Students' Flow Experience and Their Behavior Data in Gamified Educational Systems

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    The number of students using online educational systems is increasing, especially after the growth of the use of this type of system due to the social isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation highlighted the challenge of analyzing the users' experience in this type of system, especially when evaluating more complex experiences, such as the flow experience. One of the most promising innovative alternatives is to use the behavior data logs produced by students in educational systems to analyze their experiences. In this paper, we conducted a study (N = 24) to analyze the relationships between the behavior data logs produced by students when using a gamified educational system and their flow experience during the system usage. Our results contribute to the automatic users' experience analysis in educational systems

    Do people's user types change over time? An exploratory study

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    In recent years, different studies have proposed and validated user models (e.g., Bartle, BrainHex, and Hexad) to represent the different user profiles in games and gamified settings. However, the results of applying these user models in practice (e.g., to personalize gamified systems) are still contradictory. One of the hypotheses for these results is that the user types can change over time (i.e., user types are dynamic). To start to understand whether user types can change over time, we conducted an exploratory study analyzing data from 74 participants to identify if their user type (Achiever, Philanthropist, Socialiser, Free Spirit, Player, and Disruptor) had changed over time (six months). The results indicate that there is a change in the dominant user type of the participants, as well as the average scores in the Hexad sub-scales. These results imply that all the scores should be considered when defining the Hexad's user type and that the user types are dynamic. Our results contribute with practical implications, indicating that the personalization currently made (generally static) may be insufficient to improve the users' experience, requiring user types to be analyzed continuously and personalization to be done dynamically.Comment: 5th International GamiFIN Conference 2021 (GamiFIN 2021), April 7-10, 2021, Finlan

    Desenvolvimento de Jogos Educativos? Desafios, Oportunidades e Direcionamentos de Pesquisa

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    O desenvolvimento de um jogo educativo ´e uma atividade altamente complexa, pois além da necessidade do desenvolvimento com o objetivo de entreter um determinado público, ´e também necessário dedicar-se tempo ao conteúdo pedagógico a ser tratado no jogo e sua correlação com os demais elementos de design do mesmo. Nos últimos anos, em função do aumento dos estudos relacionados ao desenvolvimento dos jogos educativos, uma série de desafios têm sido percebidos. Nesse contexto, esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir uma série de desafios relacionados ao desenvolvimento de jogos educativos, bem como, apresentar diferentes oportunidades e direcionamentos de pesquisa ligados a esses desafios. Os desafios e oportunidades discutidos nesse artigo são: (i) desenvolvimento de jogos persuasivos, (ii) personalização em jogos educativos, e (iii) autoria em jogos educativos. Esses desafios são discutidos ao longo do artigo e os direcionamentos de pesquisa relacionados a cada desafio são apresentados

    Does Gamified Educational Systems Change Students’ Learning Behaviors? A Case Study with Postgraduate Students

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    In the last few years, gamification studies have increased in the field of education and digital technologies, showing different results on the use of gamified educational systems in relation to students’ learning aspects. These studies, however, often keep the focus on quantitative or qualitative approaches directly related to student learning, without considering students’ perceptions of the gamification design and how the gamification design aspects of the system can influence positively the students’ behavior change. Therefore, this study compared a gamified with a non-gamified version of an educational system, through a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach to identify if gamified educational systems are better than non-gamified educational systems to provide positive students’ learning behavior change. The results confirmed that the gamified educational system was more effective than the non-gamified system

    Literature review on technologies and games that motivated people to practice physical activity during the pandemic

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    With the pandemic arrival, changes in people’s lives have become increasingly frequent, also affecting the education and physical health sector. As a consequence, many schools, gyms and clubs ended up closing. However, so that the activities did not stop, there was a need to adapt to technology, involving digital classes, physical activities with the use of applications and data analysis using data science. For this article, a systematic review was carried out, with the objective of evaluating the motivation to practice physical activities during the pandemic (2020 - 2021). We found (226) articles, selected (49) articles and extracted (16). The results, for the most part, were positive for the use of technologies in the practice of physical activities. Thus, the research carried out here reinforces the importance for more research in the area of physical education, health and well-being of people, mainly due to the decrease in this practice due to Covid-19